Texas veterinary behavior services

Helping Pets & Families Stay TogetheR

Dr. Lore Haug veterinary behaviorist in Houston Texas.

Who We Are

Texas Veterinary Behavior Service (TVBS) is a referral service dedicated strictly to the diagnosis and treatment of behavior problems in animals. TVBS is the only veterinary behavior referral practice in the greater Houston area.

Dr. Lore Haug is a dog trainer and veterinarian- here is her dog Sunny the pitbull. 

How We Help

Does your pet have an annoying or possibly a dangerous behavior problem? Would altering some aspect of that behavior make your pet easier or more enjoyable to live with? 

Behavior problems, whether dangerous or just annoying and inconvenient, are one of the most common reasons why pets are surrendered to shelters, given away to other homes, abandoned, or euthanized. If you haven't found a way to resolve the issue, there is still hope.